Adult Services Renovation, March - April 2023

The library's 2nd floor will be a little noisy beginning Monday, March 20 and into April as construction begins on renovations to the Reference Desk area. Construction is scheduled to begin on Monday, March 20, 2023. Visitors are invited to request earplugs while using the facilities. Staff assistance, computing, and printing will continue to be available to the public throughout the project.

The renovation, which includes a re-envisioned, accessible reference desk and storage closet, is a capital project that was planned and approved in 2019-2020 with a predicted start date of mid-2020. Unfortunately, the Covid-19 pandemic occurred, resulting in a large delay. After saving for many years and observing the changing needs of our users throughout the pandemic, the library is moving forward with it now. 

The renovated, shorter desk and closet are designed to better meet the needs of our patrons and to improve safety on the 2nd floor.


Architect Randolph Hudson design for renovated desk and closet
Architect Randolph Hudson's vision of the renovated 2nd floor desk