Not in the Catalog Form

Ask for an item that Schlow does not own using the form below and we will consider it for purchase or try to borrow it from another library (Interlibrary Loan).

Please limit these requests to 3 per week. 

What happens to my request after I fill out this form?

Your form submission will be sent to the staff person in charge of buying that collection. That person will review the item as well as Schlow's collection development policy, and then consider buying it or asking to borrow it from another library (Interlibrary Loan). Please keep in mind, however, that some requests may go unfilled due to availability, costs, or other factors.

These special requests could take a long time (weeks or a few months) and will not show up on your account unless we are able to order or borrow the item. You will be notified by email either when the title is available or when we know that we are unable to fill your request.

What should I know about Interlibrary Loan?

*Effective February 19, 2024, Schlow Centre Region Library will no longer lend or borrow audiovisual materials through Interlibrary Loan. Due to significant shipping cost increases, providing access to these items has become financially unfeasible. Simultaneously, the limited availability and scarcity of DVD and CD production have made acquiring titles less successful as the industry moves towards electronic formats.

For Interlibrary Loan (ILL) items, the ILL staff will search a statewide catalog (Access PA catalog) to see if other Pennsylvania libraries own the item. If so, the staff will ask if any library is willing to lend us the item. ILL staff will contact you when your item arrives or as soon as they know your item is unavailable.

ILLs are free for you to borrow and enjoy until the due date. However, if you do not pick it up or no longer want it when it arrives, a $3 no pickup fee does apply.

Other important things to know are:

  • Schlow only requests from other libraries that will lend their items for free.
  • If your item is not available through ILL, you must wait 6 months before requesting it again.
  • Most libraries will not lend out:
    • Popular or new items less than 6 months old.
    • Special items such as genealogy, reference, magazines, or older items.
  • ILL requests are complex and can take as long as 6-8 weeks to find out if your item can be acquired.

If you have any questions, please contact us at and we will do our best to answer them.

Can I suggest a purchase or request an Interlibrary Loan if I do not live in Schlow's service area?

Due to increasing costs as of 2019, this service is only available to patrons living within Schlow Library's service area (The Townships of College, Ferguson, Halfmoon, Harris, Patton and the Borough of State College). Other users are encouraged to contact the library closest to their home to determine what services may be available.

The Penn State University Library provides Interlibrary Loan services to PSU faculty and staff, including delivery directly to those served through the campus mail system. If you live in Schlow's service area and would still prefer that Schlow processes your request, then please fill out the form.

How do I ask you to buy an eBook or electronic audiobook title from Libby or Overdrive?

Please request eBooks and eAudiobooks through Libby's app or the Central PA Libraries Libby site by signing in with your library card number and searching for what you want.

If your item isn't listed among the search results, please refer to Libby's help article Can I recommend a title for my library to purchase in Libby to learn more.