Become a Schlow volunteer

Thanks for your interest in helping Schlow!

Volunteers are the wonder workers of the Library, and provide many thousands of hours of essential assistance every year.

Who can apply to be a Schlow volunteer?

All applicants must be at least 16 years old, and those under 18 must submit a parent/guardian consent form.

Summer Reading Volunteers: There are special volunteer opportunities for children ages 13-16 during our Summer Reading Program. These positions are limited and are offered on a first come, first serve basis.  

May I apply if I need to do some community service hours?

If you need to do 20 or more hours of community service and your hours are not court-mandated, please contact Schlow's Volunteer Coordinator first using our Contact form to find out whether we will be able to assist you.

Please visit our Volunteer page for more detailed sign up information including background checks and an online Volunteer sign up form.