Join a Club
Do you enjoy talking about books or playing board games? Sharing your love of knitting or crocheting tips and patterns? Drawing or talking about comics?
Schlow offers a variety of clubs, both in-person and online, where you can meet individuals who share your interests. Join a Schlow Club today!
Our book discussion clubs:
- Tuesday Book Club: Readers meet in-person on the 3rd Tuesday of the month to discuss the month's book selection. This club reads both fiction and nonfiction, with an emphasis on literary fiction, award winners, and bestselling authors.
- CR Active Adult Center Book Club: Readers meet in the afternoon, in-person on the 2nd Wednesday of the month to discuss the month's book selection. This club meets at the Nittany Mall and reads bestselling fiction and mysteries.
- Well-Read Book Club: Our virtual book club. Readers meet online, on the 4th Wednesday of the month to discuss the month's book selection. This club reads both fiction and nonfiction, with an emphasis on literary fiction, award winners, and bestselling authors.
Our craft and recreation clubs:
- Boardgame Meetup: Play a variety of tabletop games or bring your own. Meets once a month on Saturdays. Check the website for times.
- ESL Discussion Circle: Every 2nd and 4th Tuesday of the month from 6:30-7:30pm. Please join Community Diversity Group (CDG) and Schlow Library volunteers for opportunities to practice your English and get to know your local community.
- Go/Chess Club: A long tradition at Schlow, our Go/Chess club meets twice a month on Saturdays. Play a casual game and brush up your strategy. For current meeting times and other details, go to the Classes & Events page or find us on social media.
- Needlework Club: Meets the 1st and 3rd Monday in person. All fiber crafters are welcome!
- Comics Club: For teens. Meets every Saturday to draw and chat about comics, manga, and videogames. This club is hybrid. For Zoom info, please register.
- Esports Enthusiasts: For teens. Experience what it is like to be part of a supportive gaming community featuring casual and competitive play. For Grades 5 through 12. Parental permission and registration is required. Complete the Esports code of conduct and permission form before attending.
Questions? Please contact Adult & Teen Services at, or 814.237.6236.