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THanks a Bunch

You did something really special today!

Thank you! Your generosity will have a direct impact on the library. Your donation to the Schlow Library Foundation enables the great services that Schlow Library offers to continue. If you would like to learn more about the Schlow Library Foundation and how the Foundation supports the philanthropic and advocacy programs of the library, please click here.

What’s Next?

  • You should see an email from us in your inbox that includes tax information. This will include contact information if you have any questions.  Please consider printing this receipt for your records.
  • If you selected to send an eCard and receive a copy of it, you will see this email in your inbox also. Your eCard will be sent to the recipient you designated at the date/time you chose.
  • Please consider sharing the news of your generosity with others via social media or asking your company for a corporate match to your gift. Thanks for being a champion of the library!